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OK so it’s not actually Ben Folds, but it’s a good video nonetheless. The Art of Research is a cool website that Vi Hart runs along with M Eifler. My favorite thing that they’ve made is Data Dignity, followed by I Fed Avocado Toast To An AI and Here’s What Happened. Both of which are worth a read. But my third favorite thing, and what I actually sent to your email was the history that led to The Art of Research existing at all....
Here’s the Apple Podcasts link: It talks about why Boston City Hall is a great building and Michael Sorkin’s 250 Things An Architect Should Know. It’s about a half hour long. You should listen to it. Here’s the episode webpage if you’d prefer that:
Phil Edwards (of Vox) has his own YouTube channel. It’s pretty good. He made this video, and I think it’s funny and also an interesting take.
When I was making my BLIMPtwo site, I ended up looking at the Goodyear Blimp website, and found this very strange thing: Who decided to do this?!? Also, the thing it’s being compared to is NOT consistent; at one point it compares the pixel density to the previous blimp, but the Date of First Flight is compared to the date of the Wright Brothers first flight – which is a totally different kind of aircraft and notable because it’s the first heavier-than-air powered flight (whereas a blimp is notably lighter than air)....
I really love Cliff and also this talk. It’s amazing. You should watch it. You might really love it I think.
“It takes the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 28,250 words to explain the woolly concept of relativism. It takes Genis Carreras 32 words and a single image. If you ask me, he doesn’t even need the text." There’s 49 in total, and you can get them as prints and postcards and things in case you want to decorate like a graphic-design-inclined Chidi Anagonye. Here’s what the one for relativism looks like: I made an unauthorized poster of Christoph Niemann’s illustration from this and hung it on my dorm room wall. I think my favorite is definitely Daniel Carlsten’s Very Long Table though. A NYT interactive story where he went to London and illustrated over photos he took to make a super compelling dispatch. This is what the opening page looks like:
There’s no link – this is the whole thing I wanted to show you. The text is Niemann’s. Here’s a chart that shows my coffee bias over the years. For good measure I have added my bagel preferences over the same period. Drip coffee Starbucks blueberry bagels sesame bagels poppy-seed bagels everything bagels Please don’t hold my brief affair with blueberry bagels against me. I cured myself of this aberration....