History of The Art of Research (Vi Hart)

Date Sent: December 1, 2021

https://theartofresearch.org/a-history/ The Art of Research is a cool website that Vi Hart runs along with M Eifler. My favorite thing that they’ve made is Data Dignity, followed by I Fed Avocado Toast To An AI and Here’s What Happened. Both of which are worth a read. But my third favorite thing, and what I actually sent to your email was the history that led to The Art of Research existing at all....

Integrated Information Theory

I copied this from the MIT Technology Review but it’s a good and pretty quick overview of one of my favorite things I learned about in Intro to CogSci. I can’t find the original online easily (although there’s another that seems interesting here) but here’s the full article: The Magic Number Could plants, bacteria, and our body’s cells have their own sort of consciousness? By Christof Koch Panpsychism is the belief that consciousness is found throughout the universe—not only in people and animals, but also in trees, plants, and bacteria....