The Art of Research is a cool website that Vi Hart runs along with M Eifler. My favorite thing that they’ve made is Data Dignity, followed by I Fed Avocado Toast To An AI and Here’s What Happened. Both of which are worth a read. But my third favorite thing, and what I actually sent to your email was the history that led to The Art of Research existing at all....
Phil Edwards (of Vox) has his own YouTube channel. It’s pretty good. He made this video, and I think it’s funny and also an interesting take.
I really love Cliff and also this talk. It’s amazing. You should watch it. You might really love it I think.
I liked the quote “Don’t follow your dreams, avoid your nightmares.”
This is partially just archival for me, but I really also love her attitude towards work and fields and making things. She’s one of my favorite YouTubers and makes remarkable things.
How do you spell Gyllenhaal? I sure didn’t know. This is a fun thing:
A New Yorker article talking about the Twitter account Liza Minelli Outlived which is still going strong.