History of The Art of Research (Vi Hart)

Date Sent: December 1, 2021

https://theartofresearch.org/a-history/ The Art of Research is a cool website that Vi Hart runs along with M Eifler. My favorite thing that they’ve made is Data Dignity, followed by I Fed Avocado Toast To An AI and Here’s What Happened. Both of which are worth a read. But my third favorite thing, and what I actually sent to your email was the history that led to The Art of Research existing at all....

What Really Happened When Bill Gates Jumped the Chair

Date Sent: November 14, 2021

Phil Edwards (of Vox) has his own YouTube channel. It’s pretty good. He made this video, and I think it’s funny and also an interesting take.

Cliff Stoll's TED Talk

Date Sent: November 1, 2021

I really love Cliff and also this talk. It’s amazing. You should watch it. You might really love it I think.

Meet Laura Kampf (Raspberry Pi)

I liked the quote “Don’t follow your dreams, avoid your nightmares.” This is partially just archival for me, but I really also love her attitude towards work and fields and making things. She’s one of my favorite YouTubers and makes remarkable things. https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/meet-laura-kampf-wood-and-metalworker/

The Gyllenhaal Experiment - The Pudding

How do you spell Gyllenhaal? I sure didn’t know. This is a fun thing: https://pudding.cool/2019/02/gyllenhaal/

Twitter's Most Heartfelt Tribute To Liza Minelli

A New Yorker article talking about the Twitter account Liza Minelli Outlived which is still going strong. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/twitters-most-heartfelt-liza-minnelli-tribute