Latin mottos

Time flies

Hora fugit, ne tardes. (The hour flees, don’t be late.) Ruit hora. (The hour is flowing away.) Tempus breve est. (Time is short.) Tempus fugit [velut umbra]. (Time flees [like a shadow].) Tempus volat, hora fugit. (Time flies, the hour flees.) Make use of time Altera pars otio, pars ista labori. (Devote this hour to work, another to leisure.) Festina lente. (Make haste, but slowly.) [Fugit hora] – carpe diem. ([The hour flees] – seize the day.) Utere, non numera. (Use the hours, don’t count them.) Utere non reditura. (Use the hour, it will not come again.)

Human mortality

Horace’s Umbra Sumus on Brick Lane Mosque, London Ex iis unam cave. (Beware of one hour.) Lente hora, celeriter anni. (An hour passes slowly, but the years go by quickly.) Meam vide umbram, tuam videbis vitam. (Look at my shadow and you will see your life.) Memor esto brevis ævi. (Remember how short is life.) Mox nox. (Night, shortly.) [Nobis] pereunt et imputantur. ([The hours] are consumed and will be charged [to our] account) Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat. (All hours wound; the last one kills.) [Pulvis et] umbra sumus. (We are [dust and] shadow.) Serius est quam cogitas. (It’s later than you think.) Sic labitur ætas. (Thus passes a lifetime.) Sic vita fluit, dum stare videtur. (Life flows away as it seems to stay the same.) Ultima latet ut observentur omnes. (Our last hour is hidden from us, so that we watch them all.) Umbra sicut hominis vita. (A person’s life is like a shadow.) Una ex his erit tibi ultima. (One of these [hours] will be your last.) Ver non semper viret. (Springtime does not last.) Vita fugit, sicut umbra (Life passes like the shadow.) Vita similis umbræ. (Life resembles a shadow.)

##Transience Tempus edax rerum. (Time devours things.) Tempus vincit omnia. (Time conquers everything.) Vidi nihil permanere sub sole. (I have seen that nothing under the sun endures.)

##Virtue Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum. (While we have time, let us do good.) Omnes æquales sola virtute discrepantes. (All hours are the same – they are distinguished only by good deeds.)

##Living Vita in motu on one of the sundials (right) at Houghton Hall, Norfolk, England Amicis qualibet hora. (Any hour for my friends.) Dona præsentis cape lætus horæ [ac linque severe]. (Take the gifts of this hour.) Fruere hora. (Enjoy the hour.) Post tenebras spero lucem. (I hope for light to follow darkness.) Semper amicis hora. (Always time for friends.) Sit fausta quæ labitur. (May the hour be favorable.) Sol omnibus lucet. (The sun shines for everyone.) Tempus omnia dabit. (Time will give everything.) Una dabit quod negat altera. (One hour will give what another has refused.) Vita in motu. (Life is in motion.) Vivere memento. (Remember to live.)

##Humorous Horas non numero nisi æstivas (I count only the summer hours) Horas non numero nisi serenas (I count only the sunny hours) Nunc est bibendum (Now is the time to drink) Si sol deficit, respicit me nemo. (If the sun’s gone, nobody looks at me) Sine sole sileo. (Without the sun I fall silent.)
